Bloggerview ist unsere Outdoorblog-Leseempfehlung an euch. Hier stellen wir euch regelmäßig Outdoor Blogs vor und zeigen wer dahinter steckt. Wir geben euch einen Einblick und ihr entscheidet, ob ihr diesen Blog in Zukunft verfolgen möchtet. Diesmal stellen wir euch Christina von Klimbingkorns vor.
Bloggerview is our outdoor blog reccomendation for you. We show you outdoor blogs and the people behind it. This time our bloggerview features the climbing blogger Christina from Klimbingkorns.

Screenshot Klimbingkorns – The passion of rock climbing – Climbing Blog

Hi Christina! I’m very happy to present your Blog Klimbingkorns in our new series called Bloggerview. My first questions for you: What is your Blog about and what are your favorite topics?

Klimbingkorns is about the passion of sports rock climbing, outdoor lifestyle, going hand in hand with some travel inspiration in Europe for the like-minded. I love discovering new places, meeting new people and villages, indulging in different cultures and food, climbing various types of rock, opening my horizons to the vast and beautiful landscape found in Europe. Sports climbing is the perfect sport to combine these two together. (thanks to Rest Days) And my blog is the perfect place to put them in words and pictures. I climb, hike and I love scenic settings – on the summit or by the sea. You’ll find some of them in my blog.

Christina the blogger of (c) Christina Lauterkorn

What would be the three words to describe you best?

Shy, curious, challenger and a sucker for beautiful views … oops, that’s more than three :-)

Some of your very first post in your blog were very tasty looking outdoor cooking recipes. How did the Klimbingkorns story begin, with cooking and climbing? Where and when did you find your outdoor and climbing passion?

The blog, has been around for a little longer than a decade, but it started off getting a voice when the blogging era started about 5 years back. I am actually a foodie activist too, and love whipping off a good authentic spicy meal after long periods of pasta on the road with my MSR whisperlite. I kept forgetting what those recipes were and decided finally to compile them all in my blog. So now, they won’t get lost. But beware, it’s not always for the vegetarian, and not for backpackers either but great for the camper.

I started climbing in the 90-ties. It was a time when the rock climber was looked upon more as a crazy Hippie, than a sports man. It was a time where leggings, fleece, head bands and drawing topos on scratches of paper took place. It was a time where looks never mattered. It was an awesome time. I was hooked instantly with climbing and everything else that came along with it. It gave me the chance to switch off my mind from work and regenerate. I knew I would never climb as good as my partner, but it was far more important for me to have fun and to love what I am doing without pressure. What nature was giving back to me was the greatest gift I could find. The unique simplicity of the sport challenging yourself with no one else but yourself, and sharing this passion that lasts till today with like minded people is important. I have stopped rushing to go to places to do this or that, see this or that. Instead, I’m a step slower and give my self time to absorb in the beauty of my surroundings.

Through the years, as the community grew, I wanted to give everyone an insight of how it looked like across the other side of the meadow. To open your horizons and appreciate what the nature gives you, to stop and take a breather,  and giving back sustainability and respect to the environment in return. Together with my old DSLR Nikon D90, I found too the possibilities to capture and keep these moments forever.

Which is your favorite climbing crag and why is it your favorite?

Puuh, that’s a difficult one. I have no particular favourite crag as we never stay in any same place for too long, except when we find projects so good that has to be taken along. My two personal favourites are Frankenjura in Germany and the cliffs in Catalunya, Spain. I love the Jura limestone and sustained climbing. I am good with finger pockets, that’s why Margalef in Spain counts as another favourite of mine. But having seen so many places all over Europe, its hard to say this is a favourite or that. But if given a chance to settle down for the rest of my life to just climb, I would definitely choose Catalunya. I love not only their crags, but the people, the views, the way of life and their simplicity.

Climbing at one of her favorite crags (c) Christina Lauterkorn

Speaking of favorites, which of your blog articles is the one you would like to recommend to our readers of the enziano blog?

The spanish trilogy, which starts off with Margalef, lleida and more top spots in Catalunya. I still think often about it and would make a return trip with the next possible chance.

What a beautiful view! (c) Christina Lauterkorn

What is necessary for your perfect climbing day?

A happy and optimistic partner, company of good friends, combined with great views and good weather. And probably, if I crushed any route, I would forget all of the above ;-)

What is your opinion about digital platforms like apps, websites and blogs in the outdoor community?

Awesome stuff actually. I have been waiting for the day to come when we say good bye to paper guide books. Time has changed our daily routine and how we interact with each other. Naturally, we have to go with the flow, absorb the flood of information, picking the best from what the market has to offer. And using them the best way we can. When it comes to guide books, be it for climbing or any other outdoor sports, there is no other better, more sustainable way, than to have it digitalized and always have it along with you. Combine it with GPS features, and you have a multi tasking App or page that helps you on your way. Oh, and if you do forget to bring it along, never mind, just download it again on the way. I have seen the rise and fall of many applications in the last years, and you know when the app is written and designed from someone who practises the sport. I am waiting for the day when the traditional Guidebook will be revolutionized and replaced with a digital one. But of course, that’s going to take a while before the hype catches on to the oh so internet affine climbers. ;)

What headline should your interview have and why?

„Opening horizons and living your dreams“. That’s what we are aiming for, while we climb.

Thanks a lot Christina for the insight and this beautiful interview with you!

Live your dreams! (c) Christina Lauterkorn

If you want to read more from Christina and Klimbingkorns, you can find her blog here:

In our next Bloggerview in two weeks, we will introduce Uli from to you!
Im nächsten Bloggerview stellen wir euch Uli von vor!

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